The online guest accommodation marketing course

Online Guest Accommodation Marketing Course

If you run a B&B, guest house or a small hotel, you share the same challenges as the rest of us.
How do we get more nights booked, get these bookings to stay for longer, and get them to book directly?
You can have great maintenance, good cooking, pristine cleaning, luxurious linen, friendly service and constant maintenance – but if you are not getting the bookings then you are going to have problems.

Our online guest accommodation marketing course will show you how to achieve this. We have found that there is no “Golden Bullet”. Rather there are dozens of smaller steps that you need to do, and you need to do them all the time – 15 minutes every day.

By completing the course you will get

More Nights Booked

More Nights = More Income

Guests Staying Longer

Make savings on laundry, cleaning costs, welcome gifts, toiletries and other costs – and increase the chance that guests will use your restaurant and other paid-for amenities.

More Direct Bookings

Saves you the or other Online-Travel-Agent fees. 

Earn more for each night booked.

And you will get this in just 15 minutes a day

Who is the course for?

B&B, small hotels and other owner operated accommodation.

Some people have no marketing knowledge, and some have a great deal. The hotel marketing course is for both. It will show you what to do, and help you prepare a year-plan (day by day) for when to do it. So even if you know marketing – this course will provide you with structure and a plan so that you get it done – we all need this because we know how easily “Marketing” gets put off when we are busy.

How do you do the course?

The course is written in a friendly, succinct style – no fluff, just the facts you need to make an immediate difference.

We could easily have written 160 pages detailing options, thinking, examples, anecdotes and so on – but we also run our own B&B and we fully understand how precious your personal time can be. So instead of dozens of pages of padding, we cut straight to the chase in each section, resulting in about 70 written pages of text that give you everything you need to boost your marketing.

There are also many references to sources and further information. So if you want to complete the 40 hours of Google Training (as Mitch has done) – then feel free. The links are there, the courses are there – you can go ahead. But if you don’t have the time then simply follow this course and you will get everything you need to optimise your marketing.

Featured Article

This is not a “generic” programme that could be easily applied to any industry.

It has been written specifically for the B&B/small hotel business owner by a couple who own and run a B&B and a guy who runs an online marketing company.

Outline of the Course

Module 1
Online Presence

  • It sounds obvious but you will need a comprehensive collection of images
  • We’ll show you what should be photographed, how to caption and manage your images, and make sure you have everything you need for the entire years’ marketing
  • Developing a large collection of pictures of the attractions in your area
  • Each mapped with a caption that is relevant to the picture
  • Developing a website that best displays your rooms and amenities
  • A website that sells the viewer on the benefits of staying in your area
  • A website that starts to create the impression that you offer so much more than just a bed for the night
  • Social media profiles that are engaging and encourage followers
  • Confidence that the online booking systems are working as best they can to promote your place
  • Confidence that you are using the right system for your needs
  • Preparing a guide
  • Getting it onto your website

Module 2
Digital Marketing

  • A plan to get local listings right
  • An understanding of Social Media and a plan for Facebook and Instagram
  • Developing a 12 month schedule indicating when you should post and what you should post
  • This will enable you to complete online activity easily within the 15 minutes each day – just follow the steps that will come up on the date in question
  • An evolving list of hashtags
  • A broad understanding of the role of paid-for digital marketing
  • The information needed to create and execute a paid-for digital marketing plan for your place
  • Create list of influential bloggers and writers
  • Develop plan on how to get them to visit your place
  • A plan on how to give them information to recommend your place
  • Choosing a software supplier for creating your newsletter yourself
  • Gathering the ideas you need to create the content
  • Developing a plan for building the list of names who will receive your newsletter

Module 3
Self Promotion

  • Engineer a much better chance of getting articles into the media
  • Develop a completed plan for approaching the right media
  • Material to send the media
  • Some ideas on how to get the media to visit your property and how to get them to run a story
  • Time allocated on the 12 month plan to get this work done
  • Start a growing list of travel guides
  • Collect the names and email addresses of the authors that cover your part of the world
  • Develop a plan on how to get them to visit your place
  • A plan on how to give them information to recommend your place
  • Lists of travel agents, divided by originating country
  • The names and email addresses of the agents that cover your part of the world
  • A plan on how to get them to visit your place
  • A plan on how to give them information to recommend your place
  • Create a plan on how to deal with departing guests
  • Develop the material you can give them to encourage conversations
  • A year plan for tackling all your marketing activity in just 15 minutes a day
  • A plan that will give you confidence that you are doing all that you can to increase the bookings at your place

What does it cost?

The investment you need to make to get complete access to the course is probably less than half the cost of one night’s accommodation at your place.

For only €59 (that’s equivalent to around $70 or £50) you get full access to the online guest accommodation marketing course for an unlimited time. Everything you need to work through the program and everything you need to start implementing it right away.

That’s it.

You will be able to access the site and start implementing the advice right away and will surely recover the investment in no time at all, year after year…


Enroll Now

Who are we?

We are Andy Higgins and Mitch Webber. Hello there.

We have both worked in Marketing for over 30 years each. We have seen and been closely involved in the changes from print and TV to digital. We have worked for small customers like car dealerships and most recently we worked together for a telecoms company that saw revenue increase from around US$250 million to over a US$ 1Billion in just over 5 years.Over the years we have worked for huge companies and for small businesses and start-ups.

Andy now runs his own marketing agency – focusing on digital activity and driving sales. Mitch and his wife run a small B&B in Portugal. It is this B&B adventure that gave rise to this course, having doubled room-nights year-on-year until Covid. And even then, doing sufficient turn-over to support the two of them living in Portugal off a four room B&B.

We have done everything we recommend in the course and it has worked.

You can see the fruits of our efforts in our room night count, the rates we charge (we box way above our weight) and in over US$250,000 PR generated in just two years – including great listings in Lonely Plant, Bradt, Frommers and other key travel guides. We have also been on national television on two separate occasions, and appeared in more than 15 magazines. All of this has helped awareness and helped to fill our remote B&B.

But you certainly don’t have to be a rocket-scientist or marketing guru to make this course work. Simply do the work outlined in the modules.

What have you got to lose?

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